Models of Learning and research

IT in Education Refresher Course

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5.Research models

There are a number of research models which can be followed to help students with their research projects.

The Big Six, Kuhlthau, Gawith, McKenzie


The Big Six

The Big Six Skills Approach to Information Problem Solving copyright Eisenberg and Berkowitz, 1988.

The Big Six is an information literacy curriculum, an information problem-solving process, and a set of skills which provide a strategy for effectively and efficiently meeting information needs. The Big Six Skills approach can be used whenever students are in a situation, academic or personal, which requires information to solve a problem, make a decision or complete a task. This model is transferable to school, personal, and work applications, as well as all content areas and the full range of grade levels. When taught collaboratively with content area teachers in concert with content-area objectives, it serves to ensure that students are information literate.


The Big Six Research Model

1. Task Definition 

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